
Card Result
Haier becoming the first company in Pakistan to manufacture laptops, provides 3000 direct & indirect jobs
PM officially inaugurated the JW Auto Park worth US$150 million
JW Forland is an exquisite gift of CPEC and a promise for the future
MTO's were inspired by the setup, Haier is determined to empower youth providing platform to enhance their skills

Caring for Future;
Creating Durable Employment through

JW-SEZ touches the society at several levels. For a stronger Pakistan it enables Pakistanis to face up to challenges and build a better future for themselves. In this it works will all segments of the society, providing employment to its Youth is recognised as foremost concerns of the country and has been taken up as such by the Government. Industry and Manufacturing sector provides sustainable employment.
JW-SEZ remains strongly committed to Industrialisation of Pakistan, and its knock-on positive impact on employment creation and well-being of Pakistan society. JW-SEZ works with potential investors to attract them to establish industrial ventures in Pakistan, creating durable jobs. On the other hand, JW-SEZ proactively and determinedly provides inputs and advice at all levels of the Government for promotion of industrialisation.